Your payments taken to the next level

Whether you are buying a present online for your loved one, booking your latest holiday abroad, placing a bet on the next hockey game ILIXIUM Canada is here to make sure you have a more secure payment service with only the very best online merchants.

Have you seen Ilixium on your card statement?

It’s easy when paying for items online to forget that you used ILIXIUM Canada to make your online payment.

Introducing your ILIXIUM Secure Token

The secure token providides you with payment that can be used to facilitate your payment to your chosen merchant.

Our world class online payment product, the Secure Token, has been designed, developed and delivered by Ilixium and is operated under strict financial regulation provided by FinTrac Canada. The secure token reduces the risk of your sensitive data being leaked online and ensures that when you pay you are doing so via a regulated Canadian business – Ilixium Canada.

Use the Secure Token in three easy steps


Pay with Ilixium using Visa or Mastercard


Your secure token will be generated


Finish your checkout with your token

Adding value to your payments

Get in touch

Let’s discuss how we can help you navigate payments with confidence. Our experts are standing by to talk about how we’ll help you achieve higher customer volumes at lower cost – and with zero stress.

Have you seen Ilixium on your card statement?

Its easy when paying for items online to forgot that you used Ilixium Canada to make your online payment. Very often we also know who you are paying with your Secure Token, and we will often include the end merchant on your Card statement as well.

You may see a statement entry like this.

Your statement

The e-commerce Merchant Name will be the online retailer or online website you purchased something with.

If you wanted to query a transaction with us after you have seen Ilixium on your bank account, credit or debit card statement please contact us and we will be happy to help answer who you purchased something with.